If children cannot go to school then let the school go to the children

.- Swami Vivekananda

India is on of the fastest growing economes in the world. It is creating waves globally in technology science, industries, academics, economics, media and fashion etc eqally Indian intelligence & diligence both are being appreciated once again everywhere. We are the nuclear powered country and it is the known fact the cause and force behind most of the developed economies or nations of the world today are the Indians. This is the brighter side of the beautiful face of Mother India. Now if look at the equally important & painful side of our beloved nation, we come across a horrible picture where more that 40 % of the population is illiterate, living in acute poverty, have no access to even basic infrastructural needs for life forget about the so called developments in the world. Even after 66 years of independence we all know how deprived are our brethrens living in remote areas be it tribal or other deprived sections of the society.

Indian multinationals acquiring industries globally a land of Mittals Tatas Birla Ambanis acquiring global business etc and at other end is a nation with more than 40% illiterate populace no scope for even two meals a day throughout the year, majority of the populace with no water or roads, depleting water odies and forests dark future leading to unrest in society and making them easy prey to anti social & anti- National elements de-dalling the whole growth process, cancerous corruption in society etc.

The ekal Movement was initiated to overcome this hurdle in nation building and to provide the tribal and other deprived sections of the society with basic knowledge in all vital fields of education health developments and empowerment through knowledge of constitutional rights. Ekal vidyalaya(Sanstan) is contributing to the integrated deve lopment of the villages by providing speciazed sevices in Education health Economic development & Empowerment Awareness about the rights as per the constritutional Provisions.

Ekal Movement is organized by its dedecated band of full time workers who establish schools in the tribal & rural areas and the similar band of urban volunteers who organize support to these schools. Ekal Vidyalaya has Established 53,230 such schools in India(1530 in Karnataka) so far and has plans to establish 1,00,000 schools by 2014. Our schools are being conducted in evening (5.00 to 08.00) PM Which will allow the children in day time to go to field and help parents and attend the school in the evening. 30 – 35 students are admitted in our evening school and syllabus has been organized in such a way that the education is being given from 1 st to 4 th class in one school by one teacher.