Arogya Foundation of India

Our other sister orgnization “Arogya Foundation of India” is a chariatable trust working for providing health services to tribal society and poor farmers from remote villages. In this context, we would like to bring to your notice the main aim of our trust, which is being furnished bellow for your ready referenc.

Arogya Foundation of India has taken administration of two PHCS in North Karnataka, at Ashok Nagar & Castle Rock, in collaboration with KARUNA TRUST, Bangalore in 2011.

Each PHC caters to a population of 12000 to 16000 which consists of five sub centers functioning under respective PHCs. Each sub center caters to a population of 2000 to 4000 people. These PHCs are handed over to Karuna Trust by Karnataka Government under Public private participation scheme. We, Arogya Foundation of India have taken the responsibility of running the PHCs under authorization of Karuna Trust, to look after the administration and smooth running of the PHCs as per the guidelines provided by Karuna Trust. Both above mentioned PHCs are near Belgaum.


a) To visit each PHCs regularly and guide the staff for smooth functioning of PHCs and preventive measures.

b) Proper distribution of medicines received from Govt. of Karnataka under healthcare scheme.

c) Coordination with panchayat members and local authorities for their support in smooth functioning of PHCs.

d) To arrange medical camps in both PHCs for the local people and nearby villagers. We have planned two camps in substations of each PHC every month (Total four camps a month in two PHCs). As per analysis done from earlier camps conducted, we have observed that 250-300 villagers attend the camps and approximately 30-35 % are suffering from cataract, 30 % from mal nutrition (due to old age) and 20 % due to water borne diseases. Most of the children require protein supplement.

e) We are arranging doctors from Belgaum city who spare their time for this social cause.

f) Arogya foundation is funding for medicines required during the camp and these donations are being collected locally from wellwishers and donors. We have introduced vaccination and immunizations during the camp.

g) Other than above, we are conducting medical eyecheckup camp in near by villages of Khanapur, Dandeli and Haliyal Taluka to give the healthcare service at the doorstep of villager.

Achievements :

We have conducted 52 camps till date at substations, including at above two PHC’s and distributed medicines worth Rs 15,000 to 20,000/- per camp. We have screened 250-300 patients in each camp with the help of Peditrician, Opthomologist, Gynacologist, general physician and identified 1462 patients suffering from cataract. We arranged free operation for 1352 cataract patients in Khanapur Government hospital, with the help of Hindpura Team from Hydrabad, BIMS and KLE hospital Belgaum.

a) Sequel to our good work in past two years, Rotary club of Belgaum, Rotary club of South and Rotary International have together donated Ambulance to us. This ambulance is put in service in Ashok Nagar PHC.

b) We have appointed Optholmic Technician on full time basis since September 2013 and have extended eye checkup service to the doorstep of each villager. We are identifying 15-20 cataract patients per week in Khanapur taluka, Ramnagar, Joida and Dandeli. So far we have identified 450 cataract patients and operated at BIEMS and KLE Hospital and distributed 560 spectacles to needy patients. Spectacles are given on cost-to-cost basis along with free eye drops to all patients who are suffering from the vision. We are getting excellent response from all villages and balance villages from Khanapur Taluka are requesting us to visit their village at the earliest.